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Time in Flight

Mar 28, 2021

In this episode, our guest is James Onieal who has a wide variety of pilot experience from flight instructing at Embry Riddle, flying turbo-props at Colgan Air, Embraers 170s at Republic as well as being the youngest pilot hired and subsequently furloughed from Netjets. He currently does navaid verification flight checks as well as an entrepreneur, as the founder of Raven Career Development (

James got his start in aviation during his time in high school when he started taking private pilot training in Central New Jersey. From there he attended Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and ultimately became an instructor there. That’s when he had his first airline interview experience and learned that you need some additional skills, to just being yourself, to be successful.

Because of James’ experiences in the part 121 and 91 worlds and the ever changing landscape of hiring within the aviation industry, James started his career development company to help assist other pilot navigating the pitfalls, as well as, educate pilots on how to be focused but adaptable in their approach to their aviation careers.

James also shares some of his advice for pilots who are looking to start their aviation career and provides some great resources for aviators of all ages to check out, such as: