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Time in Flight

Dec 18, 2018

Craig Shaver joins us on this episode to discuss his experiences while flying with the U.S. Air force, serving on the flight crew at Eastern Airlines, working aboard for foreign carriers and ultimately retiring for EVA Airlines as Captain. Craig discusses how those experiences made him a more rounded and worldly pilot....

Nov 9, 2018

In this episode, Greg Calvert joins the show to discuss his wholehearted journey into aviation. Greg jumped into aviation with both feet, with first getting his inspiration to fly from his father and then finding his vocation by become and airframe and power plant (A&P) mechanic on aircraft. He works on large corporate...

Oct 12, 2018

Time In Flight: Episode 10 – Devin Durant

On this episode, Devin Durant, who just received his Private Pilots License (PPL) the day before, shares his experience and journey of what it was like to obtain this pilots license.  He describes what it was like to start with very little information on how to fly but a deep...

Sep 30, 2018

This episode was recorded on location at the Oshkosh 2018 AirVenture Air Show, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with our guest Hunter Dunlap. Hunter is currently a medical resident located in Baltimore, MD. His passion for aviation was strong but now that the he had the amazing experience of seeing what the world’s largest air...

Sep 17, 2018

Scott Bonjukian joins Time in Flight as a Co-host from his Cascadia Podcast. Scott is a newly minted Part 107 Remote Pilot. This episode discusses the overlap between manned and unmanned aviation and urban planning design and the impacts that future technology may hold for both urban planners and pilots.

This episode...